Data Protection Services

Protect your business by protecting your data

Securing data takes much more than a secure password generator. Internal and external threats to data can bring work to a standstill, or even a bitter end.  Approximately 40% of businesses suffering data loss for longer than 24 hours go out of business within one or two years ( Source: Gartner) It’s a data protection issue bigger than any password.

Setting up Data backup and planning for Disaster Recovery isn’t easy; it requires a substantial internal commitment of time and resources, not only for planning, execution, and management but for compliance and reporting.  Data loss due to weak security is also the most common factor that threatens businesses without proper planning and controls in place. 

The experienced team at MYCE TECHNOLOGIES is equipped to help you each step of the way to ensure your data is secure. 

Our Data Protection Services

Back-up Services

Planning for a Backup Service allows businesses to back up files, folders, and entire data stores to remote secure data centers. We help both customers and managed service providers (MSP) to design their backup strategy and help automate data backups for seamless operations.

Disaster Recovery

Not to be confused with standard data backup and recovery practice. A Disaster Recovery practice involves planning for organization-wide systems, data failures, and putting plans in place to get back up systems up and running to ensure business continuity. We help you put a budget-friendly effective DR plan in place.

Security Services

Ensuring your valuable organization data is protected from intelligent threats also requires you to have strategic measures in place to stay protected, prevent and manage security incidents. We look at your security options holistically and put in place the best solutions. 

Back up Services for your needs

Whichever technique you use to backup, at the end of the day, data must be stored somewhere. The storage technology used to hold your backup data is very significant.

The more cost-effective it is, the more data it is able to store, and the faster the storage and retrieval over a network, the lower your RPO and RTO will be.

The more reliable the storage technology, the safer your backups will be.

Network Shares and NAS

We can help you set up centralized storage such as Network Attached Storage (NAS ), Storage Area Network (SAN), or regular hard disks mounted as a network share using Network File System (NFS) protocol. This is a convenient option for making large storage available to local devices for backup.

Tape Backup

Modern tape technology such as Linear Tape-Open 8 (LTO-8) can store up to 9 TB of data on a single tape. You can then ship the tape to a distant location, preferably at least 100 miles away from your primary location. Tape backups have been used for decades, but their obvious downside is the extremely high RTO and RPO due to the need to physically ship the tapes to and from a backup location.

Cloud-Based Storage

When using cloud providers, you have access to a variety of storage services. Cloud providers charge a flat price per Gigabyte, but costs can start to add up for frequent access. There are multiple tools that let you backup data to your preferred Cloud storage automatically, both from within the cloud and from on-premise machines.

Hybrid Storage

Hybrid data storage options mesh both hosted options for non-sensitive data and, on-premise options for sensitive data. A hybrid solution caters to more advanced infrastructure technology because it gives users a more flexible way to access data. Hybrid solutions are also important for data backup and recovery as they allow data recovery with better RPO and RTO values. 

Disaster Recovery Services

Disaster Recovery involves replication and hosting of physical or virtual servers by the provider, to provide failover in the event of a natural disaster, power outage, or other disasters that affect business continuity.

MYCE TECHNOLOGIES helps plan your DR strategy with a distributed architecture that may be less likely to be impacted during a disaster situation.  We will work with you to set up failover for on-premise or cloud computing environments, billed either on-demand, according to actual usage, or through ongoing retainer agreements.

DR to fit your needs

Managed DRaaS

In the managed DRaaS model, third parties take full responsibility for disaster recovery. Choosing this option requires organizations to work closely with DRaaS providers to keep all infrastructure, application, and service changes up to date. If you don’t have the expertise and time to manage your own disaster recovery, this is the best option.

Assisted DRaaS

If you want to take responsibility for certain aspects of your disaster recovery plan, or if you have custom applications that may be difficult for a third party to take over, supported DRaaS may be a better choice. In this model, the service provider provides services and expertise that can help optimize the disaster recovery process, but the customer is responsible for implementing some or all of the disaster recovery plans. We will help you in each step of this process.

Self-Service DRaaS

The cheapest option is a self-service DRaaS, where customers are responsible for planning, testing, and managing disaster recovery, and the vendor provides backup management software and hosts backups and virtual machines in remote locations. This model is offered by all major cloud providers—Amazon, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.
When using this model, careful planning and testing is required to ensure that operations can be immediately failed over to the vendor’s remote data center, and easily recovered when local resources are restored. This option is ideal for organizations with in-house disaster recovery and cloud computing expertise.

Modern Services for Modern Businesses

Not sure where to begin?

Different businesses have different needs.
Speak to us today to know how we can assist you on your journey to the Cloud and beyond.