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This is a statement of work to TechSpecialist Pty Ltd (TechSpecialist) is to provide migration services from On-premises to Azure for VM’s – 6 (1 SQL DB & 3 RDS Host)


TechSpecialist customer currently have 6 VMs on their on-premises or in a hosted data center. In working with Dicker Data, TechSpecialist would like to migrate from their Customer’s current environment to Microsoft Azure under CSP. The cost of this migration will be funded by Dicker Data.


This SOW is based on the below information provided by TechSpecialist:

  1. Can we be provided with read only access to the environment to perform an assessment?

Do you need read access to just the VM’s or would you need access to the VMware hypervisor. We can provide access to the VM’s.

The vm’s are hosted on incumbent’s private Iaas, so it’s not possible to get access to VMware. Be Nimble IT requested access to just the VMs.

  1. What is the current environment like on the current provider’s public cloud?

Private shared hosting/Iaas

  1. Where is it hosted (which company, Location)?

Tango, in a Sydney data centre

  1. Current Host configuration?

Most likely multiple VMware esxi

  1. What is the hypervisor & VM management platform?

VMware esxi

  1. What are the Windows Versions and Builds? (is this available in an RV Tools report)

All Windows Server 2012R2

  1. What are the applications running (to check for Azure Compatibility)?


  1. The current disk size on the source (total capacity and % or volume consumed)?

1,150GB assigned – not sure how much is consumed

  1. Current upload bandwidth available during migration?


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